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Kudu Travel brochure 2021

Introducing Kudu Travel brochure 2021

Jan 5, 2021

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

As we enter, with a degree of trepidation, the New Year that is 2021, I am inspired by Samuel Langhorne Clemens, the real identity of Mr. Twain, to believe that this year will be better and that we will see old friends and make new acquaintances as the year develops and travel starts to spring into life.

Of course, the process will be slow, and we will need to adapt to the circumstances imposed upon us by the pandemic.

One of the regrettable changes is the perhaps temporary withdrawal of the Kudu brochure, that embellishment of many a coffee table. Kudu will survive whatever life throws at it, but we need to cut our cloth and maintain our resources. We love our brochure, but the unpredictability of the future has meant that as soon as printed, it would have been out of date.

Tereza has ensured that all of our possible tours are on the website and we are happy to send printed versions of the individual itineraries to all interested parties. Additionally, there is a clever page by page version of the brochure available here.

We will need to be agile as, hopefully, vaccines are rolled out and countries start to return to the new normality. We have high hopes for Istria, Finland and the Kyrgyz Republic and we will keep Kudus - or Kudovians, as one of our regulars suggested – in touch with our plans for this year and the next.

Remember that we are happy to take ‘expressions of interest’ without the need for any deposit. Also, as always, all Kudu client funds are kept in a trust account until the trip is over and everyone is home. If the whim takes you and a few friends, we will construct a tailor made itinerary for you to any one of our destinations.

In summary, we will still be here because what else would we do? We will take you to places you’ve been before or never tried; entertain you with opera, music and tall tales, some of them even vaguely true; and walk the untrodden paths as we have been doing for the last 21 years.

Call us, try the website and come
“Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Tereza and David